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W322: Association Software: Your IT Systems Should Collaborate; Can iPaaS Help?


A new approach to connecting applications such as AMS platforms and fundraising tools, an integration platform as a service—or iPaaS—could cut down on the need for customization while simplifying integration. Here’s why it’s trending among association IT pros.

If your association has been leaning on custom integrations that feel costly and difficult to manage, know that with a little digital glue, you might be able to connect all your disparate apps—social networks, email providers, and online communities—together.

The concept is called iPaaS, or integration platform as a service, and it’s a growing trend that is finding new interest among associations. It simplifies integration among different types of tools by streamlining the connection of application programming interfaces (APIs)—essentially, interfaces that allow different tools and their data to connect with one another—utilizing a low-code or no-code interface.

iPaaS could help solve a problem for associations: It could make a best-in-breed approach feel as tightly integrated as an all-in-one solution. And that could change associations’ relationship with their technology stacks significantly.


  • Learn best-in-breed approach for an all-in-one solution
  • Learn a new approach to connecting applications such as AMS platforms and fundraising tools
  • Learn how you can cut down on the need for customization while simplifying integration
  • Learn to better understand potential opportunities to standardize how iPaaS tools are used by associations

Presented by Ben Muscolino, Founder & CEO, AMS Geek, and Michael Getter, Head of Technology, Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC)