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W271: Member Segmentation: The Key to Affordable and Effective Hybrid Events


During the pandemic associations pivoted to virtual events as a means to connect and educate members. As we learn to live with COVID we are now all back to physical, in-person events, but are left with the challenge that the average association only gets 15% of members to their annual conference. How do we affordably implement hybrid to reach a larger audience and ensure that our best content doesn’t miss 85% of our members? This webinar will discuss the different hybrid models that are emerging to balance cost and workload while addressing the needs of delivering to a much larger audience.


  • How member segmentation can help you plan for hybridizing a conference
  • Hybrid models that work without blowing the budget or your teams capacity
  • Using event content strategically, all year long

Presented by: Dan Stevens, President, WorkerBee.TV