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AI Basics for Today's Business Leaders


In this session, we will explore the basic principles of AI: what it is, what it does, and how it can shine. We’ll also look at some of the misconceptions and pitfalls of AI and look to the future to see how it can be used to change the world around us. Chris and Stacey will lead attendees in an AI discovery in the search for how best to use emerging AI to better your business/organization.


• Gain a clear understanding of AI, its capabilities and potential impact on your business
• Learn about the latest developments in AI technology and how they can benefit your organization
• Avoid common misconceptions and pitfalls of implementing AI in your business
• Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing emerging AI strategies to improve your business operations

M346 – INSTRUCTORS: Stacey Campbell, Director of Business Development, Express Info; and Chris Rounds, Senior Solutions Architect, Express Info