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B162: Leadership & Learning: Leading with Trust


Trust is the foundation of leadership – it can make or break relationships, create or destroy innovation, and be the reason you thrive or suffer. Together, we will explore the need to examine and prioritize trust to build successful relationships and thrive as leaders. Through idea sharing and dialogue, this webinar will focus on how to build trust and how to destroy it, with examples of obvious and not-so-obvious pitfalls many leaders make. We will each leave the webinar with action steps to build trust – or stop destroying it – in the next week, month, and year.


  • Be a more effective, ethical, and enduring leader for your team and organization, by being able to…
    • – Describe the importance of trust to effective leadership, team dynamics, and organizational success.
    • – Identify common ways leaders build trust and how they destroy it.
    • – Develop a personal action plan for building or restoring trust in leadership situations.

Instructor: Ryan MacTaggart, PhD; EDUCAUSE